On the eve of the filing of certificates of candidacy for next year’s polls, party-list Rep. Teddy Casiño (Bayan Muna) today said the purported senatorial line ups of the two major coalitions are made up of basically the same names, faces and vested interests that have dominated Philippine politics for decades.
“Wala na bang iba?" said Casiño, who plans to file his own certificate of candidacy for the Senate on Wednesday, October 3.
“This is one of the reasons why I am emboldened to run; we need someone new in the Senate. Someone who can represent the common tao, especially the poor and marginalized sectors,” the three-term party list solon said.
“Essentially, the traditional candidates and political parties have failed to uplift the lives of our people. It's time for new parties, new voices and new leaders to enter the Senate and make a change in the lives of our people,” Casiño said.
Casiño admits being an unlikely senatorial candidate. “I don't come from a political clan. I'm not rich. Nor am I a showbiz or media personality. This is precisely the point of my candidacy - that we need someone new, someone with a fresh outlook who can be the voice of the ordinary folk in the Senate.”
“I will be running as a non-traditional candidate under a new party. I will walk the walk and talk the talk of the politics of change in the upper chamber,” said Casiño.
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