The South Cotabato Electric Cooperative -1 (SOCOTECO-1) has scheduled up to eight-hour power service interruption in some parts of the Province of South Cotabato from 8am- 4pm tomorrow April 6, 2014, Sunday.
According to a power advisory by SOCOTECO-1, the 8-hour brownout will be experienced in areas covered under Feeder 25 which is composed of portions of Surallah covering portions of Dajay, Brgy. Colongolo, Little Baguio, Daraug Ricemill & Slaughter House. Same will be experienced in portions of the Municipality of Lake Sebu covering Brgy. of Talisay, Canahay, Bleboy, Hanoon, Luhib, Lamsupo, Bacdulong, Lamfugon, Lamcade, Klubi, Lamlahak & Tasiman and Sta. Cruz Mission. The 8-hour power outage is due to erection of poles, clearing, and pole dressing.
There is also a scheduled brownout from 9am- 1pm that will affect the entire Municipality of T'boli. The reason for the power interruption is the construction of 3-phase line for SUENO Packing Plant Sumifro.
There is also a scheduled brownout from 9am- 1pm that will affect the entire Municipality of T'boli. The reason for the power interruption is the construction of 3-phase line for SUENO Packing Plant Sumifro.