Sangguniang Panlalawigan of South Cotabato approves Php3 billion 2024 Annual Budget

The Sangguniang Panlalawigan of South Cotabato officially approved today, December 18, 2023 the Annual Executive Budget for the year 2024, totaling PHP 3,054,157,735.00. The unanimous approval of SP members underscores the commitment of the provincial government to enhancing public services and implementing crucial programs for the welfare of its constituents.

The 2024 Annual Executive Budget reflects a strategic allocation of resources aimed at addressing key developmental areas and improving the overall quality of life in South Cotabato. The comprehensive budgetary provisions encompass various sectors, ensuring a balanced and inclusive approach to governance.

Key highlights of the approved budget include substantial allocations for social services, infrastructure development, healthcare, education, environmental initiatives, and disaster risk reduction and management. These priorities align with the Provincial Government's commitment to sustainable development, resilience, and the well-being of the people of South Cotabato.

Governor Reynaldo S. Tamayo Jr., expressing gratitude for the swift approval, emphasized the significance of the budget in realizing the province's vision for progress. He stated, "The approved budget is a testament to our dedication to providing quality services and spearheading initiatives that will uplift the lives of our fellow South Cotabateños."

With the approved budget, the Provincial Government is poised to intensify its efforts in promoting economic growth, ensuring social welfare, and fostering a sustainable and resilient community. The allocation of resources reflects a keen understanding of the province's unique challenges and opportunities, with a focus on uplifting the quality of life for all residents.

As the province gears up for the implementation of projects and programs outlined in the 2024 budget, the Sangguniang Panlalawigan encourages active participation and feedback from the public. This collaborative approach aims to enhance transparency, accountability, and the overall effectiveness of governance in South Cotabato.

The approval of the 2024 Annual Executive Budget sets the stage for a year of progress and positive transformation in South Cotabato, reinforcing the province's commitment to providing "Dapat at Maayos na Serbisyo" to its people.

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