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South Cotabato Bloggers
- Aethanoscopy by Aethan Yting
- Basaha Niyo Lang by Mimi Esimos Boldios
- Nanardxz
- Pinay Travelogue by Lynette Gallinero
- Anything Goes by Sheila Marie Dumalay
- Provoked Thoughts by Shergie Fulgencio
- Pinoy Web Architect by Marvin Fernandez
- Alexis Chua
- Rayelicious by June Raye Prudente
- Politikalon by Jay-r Lopez Gonzalez
- Hello World by Arnel Robles
Friends of South Cotabato News Atbp.
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Thanks Nanardz for the inclusion. Thank you also for warm accommodation while I'm in Gensan. See you around.
ردحذفnardz pa exchange naman :-)
ردحذفsure sir ah.. add ko po sau! Padaun South Cotabato bloggers! :)
ردحذفthanks u on my blog also :-)
ردحذفwoot.. thanks master nardz for including Provoked Thoughts in the bloglist. by the way it's Shirgie, not Sherwin...hehehe.... SoCotNews is also on my blog list...
ردحذفaw shirgie nga pala :) hihi
ردحذفإرسال تعليق
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