Per Office Memorandum 10 – 2015, Philhealth Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer, Ramon F. Aristoza JR. declared that Philhealth will continue to provide health insurance coverage to 11,000 Sajahatra Bangsamoro Program (SBP) and PAMANA beneficiaries until December 31, 2015.
Philhealth Regional Offices, Local Health Insurance Offices and Philhealth’s SBP focal persons are advised to renew their membership and issue their Member Data Records.
The Office of the Presidential Adviser on Peace Process (OPAPP) has allocated Php47.7M for conflict affected areas through PAMANA Program; Php26.4M for the renewal of Sajahatra Bangsamoro Program enrollees; Php 50.4M for targeted beneficiaries under the Socio Economic Component of the Normalization process and Php4.4M for 3,698 actual SBP enrollees last 2013.
Additional enrollees who would avail of the benefits prior to the issuance of PhilHealth Identification Cards (PICs) and Member Data Records (MDRs) are required to go to the nearest Philhealth office for the issuance of the Certificate of Eligibility Form (CE1).
Issuance of the PICs and MDRs will depend on the Master List of Enrollees endorsed by OPAPP.
In case the name is not included in the Master List, Philhealth/ LHIO shall require an endorsement from the MILF Program Management Team (PMT) or from their respective combatant groups through OPAPP prior to issuance of CE1.
On the other hand, other sponsored and indigent members whose coverage expired last December 31, 2014 and whose enrolment were not renewed by their sponsors are required to continue their membership by amending their records to Informal Sector Economy and by paying their annual contribution of 2,400 payable on a quarterly, semi-annual or annual basis. (HGN)
Philhealth Regional Offices, Local Health Insurance Offices and Philhealth’s SBP focal persons are advised to renew their membership and issue their Member Data Records.
The Office of the Presidential Adviser on Peace Process (OPAPP) has allocated Php47.7M for conflict affected areas through PAMANA Program; Php26.4M for the renewal of Sajahatra Bangsamoro Program enrollees; Php 50.4M for targeted beneficiaries under the Socio Economic Component of the Normalization process and Php4.4M for 3,698 actual SBP enrollees last 2013.
Issuance of the PICs and MDRs will depend on the Master List of Enrollees endorsed by OPAPP.
In case the name is not included in the Master List, Philhealth/ LHIO shall require an endorsement from the MILF Program Management Team (PMT) or from their respective combatant groups through OPAPP prior to issuance of CE1.
On the other hand, other sponsored and indigent members whose coverage expired last December 31, 2014 and whose enrolment were not renewed by their sponsors are required to continue their membership by amending their records to Informal Sector Economy and by paying their annual contribution of 2,400 payable on a quarterly, semi-annual or annual basis. (HGN)
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