South Cotabato extends aid to earthquake-affected families in Sarangani Province

The Provincial Government of South Cotabato, under the leadership of Governor Reynaldo S. Tamayo Jr., swiftly responded to the needs of earthquake-affected families in the Municipalities of Malapatan and Glan in Sarangani Province.

Led by Rolly Doane Aquino, Officer-in-Charge of the Provincial Disaster Risk Reduction Management Office (PDRRMO), the provincial government facilitated the provision of essential assistance to families grappling with the aftermath of the recent 6.8 Magnitude Earthquake.

A total of 600 sets of Hygiene Kits and Food Packs were delivered Monday, November 27, 2023, with 300 sets allocated for each municipality. These relief packages aim to address the immediate needs of the affected families, providing both sustenance and hygiene essentials during this challenging time.
South Cotabato Extends Aid to Earthquake-Affected Families in Sarangani Province
Photo by the Provincial Information Office

The swift response from South Cotabato exemplifies the spirit of regional collaboration, where neighboring provinces stand ready to support each other during times of crisis. Governor Tamayo emphasized that this act of assistance is a testament to the commitment of South Cotabato in providing efficient and compassionate service, adhering to the principle of "Dapat Tama at Maayos na Serbisyo".

As earthquakes know no provincial boundaries, the Provincial Government of South Cotabato remains steadfast in its commitment to extending help beyond its borders. The aid provided is not merely relief; it is a symbol of solidarity, reflecting the shared responsibility of provinces in ensuring the well-being of all residents in the region.

In the face of adversity, South Cotabato stands united with its neighbors, exemplifying the true spirit of bayanihan and regional cooperation. The provincial government reassures its commitment to supporting affected communities and working collaboratively towards recovery and resilience.

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