Lake Holon to temporarily close for rehabilitation starting January 6, 2024

In a move to preserve and enhance its natural beauty, Lake Holon, the renowned tourist destination in Tboli town, will be temporarily closed to the public starting January 6, 2024. This is in accordance with Municipal Executive Order No. 62 Series of 2023, signed by Tboli Mayor Keo Dale T. Tuan, and is set to last for two months.

The closure aims to provide Lake Holon with a period of rest and rehabilitation, allowing the area to undergo necessary improvements. During this time, lake personnel will undergo additional training, and facilities will be rehabilitated to ensure the enhancement of services offered to tourists.

Anticipated to reopen in March, this closure is strategically planned to precede the celebration of Tboli's 50th Founding Anniversary and Seslong Festival 2024 celebrations.

This proactive measure reflects the commitment of local authorities to sustainable tourism and the long-term preservation of this natural gem.

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