Going to Bakngob, Hidak Falls, Lake Holon and other tourist destinations in the Municipality of Tboli are now made easier and even more enjoyable with the latest offering of the municipal government- the ATV adventures.
On Tuesday, June 9, 2015, a total of fifteen (15) brand new units of All-Terrain Vehicles or ATV purchased by LGU-Tboli has finally arrived. The ATV's which will be soon used to transport tourists to the town's tourist destinations was personally received by Tboli Mayor Dibu Tuan.
On Tuesday, June 9, 2015, a total of fifteen (15) brand new units of All-Terrain Vehicles or ATV purchased by LGU-Tboli has finally arrived. The ATV's which will be soon used to transport tourists to the town's tourist destinations was personally received by Tboli Mayor Dibu Tuan.
Fiffteen (15) brand new units of All-Terrain Vehicles or ATV purchased by LGU-Tboli has arrived. Photo by Kim Canieso Maglente |
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