500 TESDA programs in R-12 now 21st "Century Skill Integration Compliant"

500 TESDA programs in R-12 now 21st "Century Skill Integration Compliant"
By: Mike Balquin

A total of 548 different programs under the supervision of the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA-12) are now 21st Century Skills Integration Compliant after the four days of the Unified TVET Program Registration and Accreditation System (UTPRAS) Caravan conducted in different provinces in the region.

The UTPRAS Caravan was led by TESDA 12 Regional Director Rafael Y. Abrogar II which aims to maximize the registration of different TESDA programs and to evaluate if they adhere to the new curriculum of TESDA.

Regional Office staff and Regional Experts helped to assess the Competency Base Curriculum, Institutional Competency Assessment, Competency Assessment Tools, and other documents presented by almost 100 schools in Region 12.

Documents that were presented are an integral part of the implementation of quality TechVoc programs.

“The importance of this activity is we standardize our programs, as we train our labor force not only for local employment but also abroad,” Abrogar said in his speech during the release of certificates.

About 63% of the total programs in the region were approved and now have five years of validity. These were awarded by their Certificate of TVET Program Registration and may continue implementing TESDA programs.

 Abrogar is confident that TESDA 12 can reach 100% compliance before the year ends.

“The four days of Caravan in the region also represent our relentless effort to make TechVoc more competent and reliable for the next years,” he added. Region 12 has 863 registered programs and for 2023 it has 20,000 scholarship slots that were given to different provincial offices.

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